Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A long time coming

I finished this quilt as a charity project for my local guild. It will go into our "reserve" pile to be given to homeless children at some time in the future. The church where the guild meets houses homeless families for a week at a time every few months. In lieu of rental fees, our guild makes quilts for the families.

Usually, these quilts are made as "round robins." However, about a year ago (maybe 2!!) a quilt came back to my mom with the green and yellow as the backing for a red, white and blue top. We made the executive decision that we could find a better back for the original, and then turn that backing into another quilt. I added the machine-applique shapes, and the border, then did some free-form meandering loops on my longarm. I still need to do the binding, which will be the purple from the border.

I think this will be a great quilt to cheer up a child!