when he crashed into a tree and broke his neck. Now, don't panic, that phrase brings to mind a horrible image, and in reality, he's doing fine. He had surgery to replace a disk and insert a plate to hold everything together, and he's sporting a fancy neck brace that will be his new fashion accessory for the next six weeks. His wife and I joked about knitting him a lacy collar to accessorize!
A few years ago, my husband was in a bad motorcycle accident, crushed his left knee, and spent 10 days in the hospital. I knew my sister-in-law would need some company so I flew up to sit in the hospital with her since my parents were out of town. Despite the surroundings, we had a nice visit and I got some knitting done! Photos will follow soon. Plus, I came home to the latest Rockin Sock Club package, yippee!
I'll end with this happy face: