I am home this afternoon because Baby K threw up twice last night. Poor baby! She seems to be fine now, hopefully it's a 24-hour kind of thing.
While she napped, I got my sewing machine out - what a thrill! I put borders on some kaleidoscope blocks. Here is a sampling with the original fabric for comparison on the right. (Alexander Henry "xanadu")
The ordination stole I've been knitting is no longer a deadline project. My friend in seminary was recently told that the Diocesan Altar Guild is providing the vestments for her ordination service. It was a blow to my pride that she won't be using it for that special service, but she definitely will use it in the future. I can't give you a progress photo of that one because I took it to school to work on during our state standards testing. Plus, I can usually get a few rows done during my prep hour and lunch each day. I'm about halfway done with it.
My main focus has been socks. I turned the heel on the first Jaywalker, and I'm trying to speed through the foot. Baby K has learned to say "knitting," but the t's aren't very clear, so it's more like "nee-ning." Her other new trick is to put her fingers to her cheeks and grin like a little Shirley Temple. I don't know where she learned it, but it's adorable!