Back to my craftiness... Have you seen the new craze: One Block Wonders?? Kinda like stack-n-whack, but with hexagons. I got these two blocks done last night in class. I am using a fall fabric with leaves and berries. My mom is using a fantastic Alexander Henry print in black and white geometrics with red and blue flowers. Hers will be stunning!
Here is my batik Strip Club block. There are 32 blocks total, to be put together in a pinwheel layout. I am going to cut the setting triangles today and lay it out on my bed...easier than the floor when you don't have a design wall!
And in honor of Socktoberfest 2006: I present the cuff of a Jaywalker!! I have knit about 3 rounds of the zigzag pattern. I was thinking last night of a way to keep track of which round I'm on, without using pen and paper. My brilliant idea was a marker that I could either clip on the project bag or leave on the table...I'd have a different marker for each one, and just leave the marker out for the row I had finished. This may devolve into a sticky note that says "Round 1" or "Round 2"!!
Blogger wouldn't let me upload more pictures today...I'll send baby pictures in email, or you can check back tomorrow for a glimpse at chubby cheeks!