Thursday, January 18, 2007


Do you know this cute guy?? Josh Groban - AWESOME singer. I fell in love with him 2 years ago when my mom got us all concert tickets to see him. I had his second CD on constantly for about six months! About a week ago, I was watching a Suns basketball game, and they had a scrolling banner announcing Josh's next concert. I immediately went online and got tickets for March 25th, then went out the next day and bought his latest album "Awake." There are more english-language songs this time, but so far, I like his earlier stuff better.

School news...I am teaching AP Government this semester, and it's been off to a rocky start. Imagine - I actually expect my students to do daily reading (5 - 10 pages) and understand most of it on their own!!! So far, about a third of the class dropped out. Their first test is today, so tomorrow the class may be even smaller. As one of my teacher friends says, a smaller class of the brightest kids is NOT a bad thing :-)

And, I coach our school bowling team. We have two more weeks of competition. The boys are number one in the region with a pretty good chance to go to the state tournament. Once that is over (mid-February) then I can go home right after school every day and do more quilting and knitting. Woo-Hoo! I thought about bringing my socks to work on during the test period at school, but I guess I'll just catch up on grading.

As a reward for slogging through details of my boring life, here's the latest Baby K picture:

We stayed bundled up this week since there were 4 days of FROST warnings! Our low on Monday night was 22 degrees - in PHOENIX...that's the lowest low temperature in 30 years! I'll have to remember that when it hits 115 this summer... either way, you just stay inside.