No, I did not fall off the face of the earth! I just went back to work...ughhhh. In the few spare minutes I have to be crafty, I have been knitting a few rows on my Jaywalkers and finishing the hexagons for my One Block Wonder quilt. Tomorrow is session 2 of the OBW class, so I should have some great photos of kaleidescope designs.
Baby K is doing just fine. She is home with Daddy while I work. The saddest part was last Thursday when I was at school all evening for conferences. K. was asleep when I got home and only woke up long enough to eat! She does wake up with me in the morning, so I get some cuddles before I leave.
Daddy and I are in a routine of evening walks now. We load up the stroller and hit the pavement for about 30 minutes. There is a nice park at the end of our street, with wide sidewalks, a jungle gym and lots of grass. It will be a wonderful place to play when Baby K. starts walking.
One of these days I will have time to download and post new pictures. I have grand intentions, but it's very hard to work at the computer when K. wants to be held all the time. And, B. needs to get his homework done (online masters degree) so I am in charge of baby care in the evenings. It's really cutting into my computer time!! But, I know that all too soon we will be saying "Remember when she was just a baby..." I'm enjoying this time immensely.