Then I took a class called "Beautimous Blocks,' with Nichole Webb. (Look for her boook of the same name from Homestead Quilting.) Her motto is "Quilt Like a Rock Star!" Totally fun gal - she wore a tiara in class, it was a blast. (Amy - the block on the left is what I think of as ferns... thinner and more wavey than feathers)
More quilts from the show. This is "Plain Ol' Nine Patch," by Kathy Ellzey. It's a small quilt, probably 10 by 20 inches, and it was in the thread challenge. Yep, all that color is thread and quilting designs!!
The picture I took of this whole quilt is pretty blurry...I need to take a deep breath and hold still when I take pictures I guess! You're just trying to hurry and stay out of people's way. All the animals were paper-pieced and the quilting was different in each block, very complementary to whichever animal it was.