Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Reasons why I haven't been blogging:

13. Harry Potter (all 7 books...again!)

12. I met Edward

11. Hubby doesn't get home from work until 6:30pm

10. At least 2 hours of Sesame Street and nursery rhyme videos every afternoon

9. Nasty cold = couch potato

8. I discovered Facebook!

7. I am addicted to PuzzleBee online jigsaw puzzles.

6. This Hawaiian Star was pieced by my mother and I'm trying to do it justice!

5. My guild's presidential challenge deadline is October. How can it be September already?!?

4. I am trying to finish handknit socks for a birthday surprise.

3. Lots of after school meetings

2. A new season of TV is starting...did you happen to see FRINGE on Fox?

1. Did I mention I have a 2 year old running me ragged?!? See you soon, I hope!

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