Monday, July 09, 2007

AAACK! Summer's halfway gone!

As one of my teacher-friends commented today...we have to go back to school in one month! This is causing some minor panic and mental distress, since I have not accomplished much of what was on my summer to-do list. Oh, forget it...when do I *ever* do anything that I plan to do on school vacations?!? I just wish there was a way to profit from procrastination ;-)

Sock update... TA-DA:
B's first pair of handknit socks. Pattern: Basic socks from Cat Bhordi's "Socks Soar on Circular Needles." Yarn: Socks that Rock (lightweight) in Obsidian. Do not adjust your monitor...the left toe is squared off due to knitter error. B said he could live with it!

No photo of the Wild Tide April Rockin Sock Club progress...I am working on the gusset of the second sock and the foot will be all stockinette, so they should be done soon.

Baby K has been fussy all day. We're attributing it to teething...but any time she's cried over the last two months that's been our excuse, and there are no new teeth yet! Since school starts next month, I have to get serious about lining up daycare. Send your best thoughts for that search and for B as his job interviews start! He's looking for a position teaching high school history.

Baby K's new toy is a string of Hawaiian beads that I made on a cruise years ago. She can take them on and off herself and they make great noises on the tile floor.

1 comment:

Michele Bilyeu said...

Sorry, about summer going so quickly, it barely starts and then it's over...amazing! By the way, very nice socks, great legs on B, and one totally adorable and very beautiful baby!!!