Saturday, August 30, 2008

Toddlers are exhausting

But awfully cute :-) Baby K got a sit-n-spin for her birthday. I was amazed at how quickly she caught on to how it works, although she doesn't always sit straight on it and slips off as soon as it starts to turn.

She likes to wear "pretties" in her hair (aka pig tails) but Mommy has to work on getting them even. Here she is modelling a new dress that Grandma Mary made her:
In honor of t he Olympics, she made a torch at daycare. The "out-take" photos from this were hilarious. She would not stand back and smile for the camera...I'd say gt set, and she'd run at me, so I have a bunch of blurry shots of half her face.
I have been coming home from school to enjoy a few minutes of quiet before picking her up in the afternoon. I've been reading...the Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer caught my attention. Occasionally I pick up some knitting. The purple socks are done and I just turned the heel on the second of the blue ones.
I have a bunch of quilting to do also, but I never have a block of time to get in the groove...maybe over this holiday weekend. It's tough because Baby K is in a severe cling-to-Mommy phase. She even screams bloody murder if Daddy takes her to bed! The good news is that she is almost to the age where she can play by herself in the bedroom while I sew.

All of this to say that I really don't have much to blog about! I spend most of my online time on Ravelry, and a friend introduced me to Facebook, which is almost as addictive. I have touched base with high school and college friends that I haven't seen in 15 - 20 years, pretty cool.


Shorty said...

I bet the blurry coming at you shot are so cute.

I like Baby K with the pretties in her hair too. She is too adorable for words.

I can only imagine how busy you are now that school is back in session.

I hope you get some time to do some sewing soon.

Have a great weekend.

Samantha said...

toddlers are exhausting! After #2 came along, I swear I barely finished anything for a year or two...