Sunday, October 29, 2006

Saturday sewing

My brother kindly informed me this week that "Just because you are working full time does not mean you can stop posting baby pictures every day." Well you go!

(Baby K is looking in a mirror. This is major entertainment for an 11-week old!)

And now the details of my Saturday adventure. I went to the mall! Now folks, this is big news, because it only happens once or twice a year! B. was working at the church clean-up day, so I packed Baby K in her stroller and cruised the mall. The primary destination was JC Penney's since they had a sale...I felt like I went crazy and I was pleasantly surprised with my total bill. I did not see anything cute in terms of a baby Halloween costume...(my online shopping fiasco will be a post on another day...say Tuesday?!?) Interesting fact: The Disney Store target customer is four years old. But, I did find a beautiful dress for our Christmas portrait, which we will take in the next week or so.

Then I came home and B. said, "I hope you don't expect me to watch the baby while you quilt this afternoon." DOH! Guilty as charged! I have store samples for my mother that are piling up at the longarm and I was anticipating a free Saturday afternoon at the machine. But, B. had a midterm to work on. So, I got baby K. settled in her swing in front of the longarm and started to pin a quilt in place. The phone rings, and my friend Lisa wants to catch up on my first weeks back at school. yada yada, half an hour later it's time to feed the baby. Finally, the baby is down for a nap and I can go back to pinning, and winding bobbins and getting the pantograph in place. oops, there's the baby crying again. Get another bottle ready...luckily she's sleepy this afternoon and goes back to sleep immediately after eating. I managed to get 3 rows quilted, then it was time to meet some friends for dinner. At this rate I'll be lucky to finish one quilt a month!

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